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Democracy Index - Samara

how is democracy actually working in Canada?.... 11-Jul-2012 [1543]

• Samara's democracy index considers the broad qualities and concepts that are important in a democracy, and then proposes the further, key step of developing specific, quantifiable indicators to measure the success of each of these concepts.

Samara's democracy index offers an invaluable insight - that good sounding goals and ideals must be clearly linked to how they work and play out in the everyday lives of Canadian citizens.

Samara is a charitable organization that works to improve political and civic engagement in Canada. Samara believes engaged citizens make our country vibrant, resilient and strong. Despite Canadians’ belief in the importance of democracy, more and more people say they feel disconnected from politics. They don’t feel their voices are heard. And they’re giving up.

Samara works to repair that citizen disconnect by seeding ideas for relevant and responsive politics that Canadians can believe in. We aspire for a citizenry that knows politics matter and feels heard by their government and compelled to be involved. We do this by bringing forward new voices, giving people the tools they need to better understand the democratic system and do something to improve it.